Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 7: Still Rigging/...Lighting.

I plan on finishing rigging this week. The stick is fully rigged with weights painted on most areas. The paints need to be cleaned up in some areas though. The cop character is nearly complete. I need to finish the ribbon arms and then his spine will be a spline IK and his head controllers should be simple. The skateboard will be tough, but his overall movement will be simple. He's rolling on his leg wheels, so I won't need to do anything crazy with them as far as attributes goes. His axels will stretch out, but I've gotten used to stretchy IK and that should be simple. His spine could be an FK spine since it won't be bending too much. His axel arms will also stretch, and I might add a ribbon to the stretch on them. I won't do the FK/IK switch on that as it was complex and I just don't want to do it again.
The town is pretty much done. I just need to add lights to streetlights, and the vehicles. And maybe some lights to some signs to give them a neon sign feel. Otherwise, I should be animating over break for the final vehicle movement. I'll probably build a path for them, and use a tanget/geometry constraint on them, just to give it a better feel. Right now, I have some rough vehicle movement set up. But it's only in one direction, and the vehicles do turn at some point in the film, so I'll have to fix that.

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