Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 11: Finessing

I finished all the rough animation for the entire film. All I have to do is finesse some areas and animate a dance sequence for the cop. I want the dance sequence so the cop can be in his own little dream world when he eats the candy and the background should be a color changing tie dye image. I was told this could be done by rendering PNG images for the sequence, bringing the images in After Effects and playing with the images in there.

Other than completing a dance scene, the film needs finished lip syncing, some added deformers, finished animations in specific areas, some camera changes, light effects for the cop car, and the smoke coming from the characters coughing, and also from the cop car peeling off. The smoke effects should be able to be done in combustion on completed renders. The rest of the tweaking is in the sound editing which is just fixing sound placement and maybe finding better sounds then the ones currently there.

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